Saturday, November 29, 2008

Nov. 27th

For the third year in a row Brady in I have done the Turkey trot, the first year of course he was in my belly! I decided to start this tradition with my kiddos on Thanksgiving day until their old enough to go hunting with their daddy. So while daddy hunts we trot! This year Mandi and Chris and her kiddos joined me, Mom and Tanya were feeling a bit under the weather! It wasn't as chilling as last year thank goodness!
After the race we went to mom and dad's and helped cook our Thanksgiving meal. My sister Tanya and her family and my great aunt Peachy and my aunt Drusilla, uncle Shoo Shoo, and their oldest son Kevin, and his wife Rindi, and two girls Hollyan and Hannah came to celebrate with us. We had a feast and left stuffed as usual!
I can't begin to tell how truly thankful I am for all God has given me, Ryan and I are TRULY BLESSED!

Brady and I 2008

Brady and I 2007

Brady and I 2006

Mandi and Chris made fun of me, b/c I bundled Brady up so much, but I didn't want him to get cold, more baby he could hardly move!

Chris acting crazy and cracking me up like usual

Phoebe Bebe

The kids thought they were on a ride when Chris was pushing them!

Brady, Me and the kiddos

Towards the end, the kids needed out to walk around!

The gang afterwards @ mom and dad's

The Smyers Fam


Brady was more interested today in eating

After eating Mari wanted to go on an adventure, so Rindi and Hollyan took them outside, the were shaking all the leaves off the trees!

Brady was just being cute, so I just started taking pictures

Brady got a hold of some Cheetos and disappeared for a minute, we found him hiding in my parents room behind the door, HE LOVES TO HIDE!

Nov. 26th
Thanksgiving with the Boozers
We celebrated Thanksgiving with the Boozer's extended family on tonight at Nanny and Booga's house! Brady was a bit fussy and didn't want to go far from Booga's side! Brady wasn't real interested in his food either, except black olives that is, until Braeleigh came, then of course they wanted Cheerios for their Thanksgiving meal!
Our boy loves black olives, he thinks it's a hoot to put them on his fingers and eat them!

Being silly at the table

He did like the Ham!

That precious cheese!

Braeleigh and Brady enjoying their Cheerios!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Nov. 22
Abigail comes to visit
Shane and April brought over some wings and their precious buddle to watch the Tech/OU game. We hadn't seen Abigail in forever, she's grown so much! Brady just loved her, he kept wanting to give her hugs and kisses!

Sweet baby smile!

Mini me and her daddy Shance

Ryan and Brady trying to get her to smile!

Brady giving sugars!

Being silly!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Nov. 16th

My Sister Mandi won tickets on KLTY to see The Backyardigans Live @ Nokia theater. My brother-in-law Chris was supposed to go with them but decided to let Brady and I go, which I was way pumped about! Brady didn't know what to think @ first but after intermission he was excited! Brady and Mari of course had tons of fun!

Clapping before the show

Tasha and the baby dinosaur egg

Tyron, Uniqua, Austin, and Tasha

The whole gang: Tasha, Austin, Uniqua, Tyron, and Pablo

It looks like she's choking him, but its actually a hug
Another hug
The End
Playing on the stadium seats after the show
Me and Brady
Mari and Mandi

Brady was a little exhausted after the show, he slept for 3o minutes in the car on the way to lunch, so he missed his 2 hr nap
More Hugs

Dancing together