Friday, February 27, 2009

Feb. 23rd
Elmo Gear
Brady just being silly in his Elmo pjs & house shoes...I just love this boy!

Brady looking mischievous

Feb. 14th-16th
Valentine's Day/Arkansas Visit
Brady woke up Valentine's morning to a few Valentine's, one from Nanny & Booga & then from Mommy & Daddy. We got him an kissing Elmo & some Elmo house shoes.
As soon as we opened presents Ryan took Brady & I to the airport, we were on our way to Littlerock, AR. One of my best friends Carol's mom passed away a couple of weeks prior& I was unable to make it out there, & this weekend happened to be open & I was off on Monday, so we decided to go visit.
LeeAnnette AKA Mama Buck was an amazing women, she was like a second mom to me when I was away @ school in Arkansas. She had the sweetest spirit, their couldn't be a single soul that could dislike her, she touched so many lives and I know that I'm a better person having in her in my life, I will miss her terribly! I was forunate enough to have spent some time with her during my last visit this summer, so I'm very thankful, God allowed me to have some last sweet memories of her!
This is Brady 2nd airplane ride, both times now going to Arkansas & back to visit Carol. This trip was much easier than the first. Brady was able to walk & carry his own Elmo backpack, which by the way was adorable. He was terrific going & coming. Both times he was asleep before we were completely in the air.
When we got to Arkansas we got to play a couple of hours before we went to go pick up Carol's kids from her brother-in-laws, it was the longest quickest trip ever, but we had fun! When we got home that night we had a Valentine's Dinner for the kids, including her sister Jessica's 2 little boys, & Carol's precious father came over too!
Sunday we went to church, relaxed, the kids napped, then we dropped the kids off at the church & headed to Chili's for Carol & Adam's small group!
Monday we got up & went to visit the farm & Mama Buck's graveside with Daddy Buck then he took us too lunch, by that time it was time to head to the airport & head home to see Ryan!
The kids had so much fun together, & of course Carol & I can do nothing and fun just being together, I only wish she lived closer!
Arkansas jinks' us I think, last time we got back Brady got sick this time, I came back with the flu...

Brady opening his Valentine Elmo that blows kisses when you put his hand to his mouth

Brady trying to get Elmo to kiss, sitting next to him our some clothes that Nanny & Booga got him for Valentine's Day, along with a elmo in a car, & some yummy candy

Brady at the airport eating his starbucks muffin while we wait for the airplane

Brady lined up all his friends in the window

Brady playing in the window with his friends

On the airplan playing with the buckle


Asleep before we got completely in the air

The heart shaped pizza

Wylie & Brady in their matching Valentine shirts

Wylie, Brady, & Carol

Brady & Ella the first time they met...looked how much they've both grown!

Brady, Daniel, & Ella having their picnic Valentine dinner

Carol reading to the kids in their tent

Playing in the garage with Wylie

Watch the process...going for Wylie's paci

Take out Wylie's paci

Give Wylie's paci back

Ella in her Barbie Jeep

Ella & Brady riding their cars

Wylie & Ella

Feb. 13th
Valentine's Party
Tarenthia & I were able to head over to the kids Valentine's Party today, it probably would have been better had we not, the kids were more interested in us then their party, lol! The kids had hot dogs, fruit, cupcakes, & exchanged valentines.
Afterwards Brady and I headed to Mimi & Popi's to drop off their Valentines!

Brady eating his valentine hot dog

His class, eating their Valentine snacks

Avery enjoying her cupcake

Brady's friend Logan enjoying his cupcake

Brady's girlfriend Audra eating her hotddog

Brady and Avery playing with their balloons
Brady in the car with his balloon headed to drop off Mimi & Popi's Valentine

Brady opening Mimi & Popi's valentine


Friday, February 13, 2009

Feb. 12th
23 months
Brady is 23 months, just 1 month shy of being 2 years old!!! He continues to amaze me everyday, he just seems to have learned so much in the last month! He still loves to eat and it doesn't matter what it is or what time it is, he wakes up asking for pancakes, poptarts, or hamburger (sausage biscuit). He continues to carry his Barney with us where ever we go, and he loves for Barney to go high...he throws him in the air! He loves to watch his Elmo, Barney, Yo Gabba Gabba or Blue's Clues. He is an amazing napper, on the weekends we lay down and he will sleep anywhere from 2 1/2-4 hrs, crazy! He loves to play outside, especially with his daddy! He's really good @ entertaining himself, even if there's other kids another sometimes he'll just play by himself. He loves to run, and will say, " mommy, I run!" He gets real excited when he can do things himself, he'll say, " I did it!" He loves to dance, he will stand on the arm rest between our love seats and dance to anything, but he's favorite is my ringtone Live Your Life, and he'll sing, heey, heey, heey, and he attempts to say My life! He can still be a little toot somedays, obviously, he's fixing to be 2, but when he looks at you and says I love you be it makes everything disappear!

We made Valentine's for Nanny & Booga, Mimi & Popi, & Daddy, he just loves to draw or paint!

He's saying, "I did it!"

Him saying cheese
I signed up for sandwiches for his party @ school & Brady helped me cut them into hearts!