Monday, December 28, 2009

Nov 17th
We're Pregnant
I found out today that I'm pregnant with baby #2, yippee! After being a couple days late and feeling funny and after Brady told Kara on the 12th that mommy had a baby in her belly, (crazy, huh) I decided to take a test. I bought the test a couple days prior but as soon as I picked up Brady from school today, just this feeling of peace and almost confirmation hit me so I went straight to my folks house and ran upstairs. Brady was with me and thought I was going crazy as soon as 2 lines were clear, I ran downstairs and outside to try and call Ryan, 5x to be exact and he never answered, finally he called us back though! We are due July 19th.
Our first appt. was on Nov. 23rd I was 5wks, they just did some routine questioning and some blood work, we were hoping to have a sonogram so we could tell Thanksgiving but they decided to wait. After my blood results came back though, they did say my progesterone was low and they put me on meds asap, so that was a little scary. Our next appt. was on Dec. 7th, 8 wks, I was a nervous wreck, all I wanted was to see the baby and a heartbeat, Ryan too and that's actually what we saw! But Ryan and I, or me really decided to wait to share the news at Christmas, so its been a long awaited secret!
Through all of this God has taught me again that HE is in control! For those who don't know last March after visiting my new doctor for the first time, we found out I have polycystic ovarian syndrome, which basically is a hormonal disorder where I don't make enough female hormones and its the #1 cause of infertility, but I was put on meds asap again and things just started working like normal I guess! So needless to say I was a little nervous that getting pregnant again wouldn't be easy. Then on Nov. 2nd I went in to get an ovulation test done, to check to see if I was indeed ovulating b/c I was having trouble figuring it out and test results came back that there were no signs of ovulating, I was very upset and again thought getting pregnant was going to be very hard. The doctor told us they would test me for the next 2 months and then if there were still no signs I would be put on some fertility meds. But God had other plans in store, 2 wks after getting these results back we found out we were pregnant, wow, that's all I have to say! GOD IS GOOD! I can't wait to see what a precious baby boy or girl this one turns out to be, hee hee!
Baby Boozer @ 8wks

Monday, December 21, 2009

Dec. 21st
Bedtime/Potty Training

Quick catch up, Brady has been sleeping in his Big boy bed since he was 18months, we transitioned him when we took the paci away. Like most parents, to get Brady to get to bed we would have to read a book, say our prayers and then lay down with him, and usually that meant Ryan or I falling asleep in his bed with him, well, back in August, we decided to try to move out of his bed. My plan was to start at the doorway and then quickly move to the living room, but easier said than done. We decided to buckle down, so Friday Dec. 4th was Brady's first night to go night night without me in the doorway and he did it again on the 5th, then he had a hard time for a couple days took some more convincing a couple of fits but Brady is official going to bed in his big boy bed without mommy and daddy in his room, and its so nice! And his been sleeping through the night for the last 2wks or so, which has been another issue in itself!

I decided awhile back that pushing Brady into potty training wasn't a smart thing! The best advice I got was to not force it, they'll let you know when there ready, you've never seen a kindergarten in diapers have you, don't rush it! So I've been waiting patiently for Brady to let me know he was ready. He's been going at school here and there and in the last couple of wks more and more, so I decided to start seeing if Brady would go before bedtime, Dec. 2nd was his first night time tee tee, then again on on the 3rd, again on the 6th, 7th, and every night since then. Dec. 11th when heading home from seeing Baby Jackson Brady went to potty for the first time at a restaurant, Whataburger, lol! Last Sat. 12th, he went in the morning, before nap, and at night, and I found out at his Christmas party on Friday that he had gone poopy at school in the big boy potty 15th and he even told him he needed to go, and Wed the 16th he went 5x. So, I decided that my Christmas vacation was going to be devoted to getting him potty trained! Sat. 19th was our first attempt at letting him run around naked, they say confining yourself in your house for 3 days and letting them be naked will work, so we tried it! He went tee tee about 7 to 8 times, he did poop on the floor, more thing was so embarrassed and upset he cleaned it up himself and tried to hid it from me, hilarious, lol! He picked it up with an old bib and told me I couldn't see it and try to hid it from me for a good 10 minutes before I got upset, he put it on the counter, trying to make it in the box of trash I had up there! Sunday 20th, of course we went to church so I put a diaper back on and we had my family Christmas party so he went more in his diaper than he did in the potty but today, we're at it again, and HE WENT POOPY FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!!! He was in the living room by the Christmas tree and I thought I heard him trying to go, so I asked him if he needed to go and he said yes, but he said he couldn't walk, lol, so I quickly ran him in the bathroom and he went! I would have taken a picture of it, b/c I'm crazy like that but he flushed it while he was still on the potty! I did catch him on the potty though!

I'm can't believe Brady is getting so big, I know I say it all the time, but it seems like yesterday he was born!
Dec. 20th
Burke Christmas Party
We had our 3rd annual Burke Christmas Party tonight at my parents house. This celebration is with my mom's sister Drusilla and the rest of the Trainers, but this year, my mom's other 2 sisters and one of my cousins were able to join us! It's a night of lots of food and just chaos and I love it! We always do a $10 gift exchange and its always a hoot to see what everybody gets and fights over!

Aunt Harriet

Dad hiding his batteries he got

My cousin Ann showing off, some tools

The kids playing

Eric opening the book I stole

Mom got some tool like thing as well

Ryan and Brady

Kaylee wasn't real excited about her gift, can you tell

Part of the Hughey gang

Cousins Aaron, Ethan, and Hannah

Phoebe with Cousin Jennifer

Ryan got some yummy carmels

Mandi got her own gift and got it stolen

Cousin Logan, Hayley (Jared girlfriend), Cousin Jared

Hayley and Jared

Shoo Shoo, Aunt Dee, Aunt Peachy, Hannah, and Chris, Ryan and Jennifer on the couch

Cousin Kevin and Rindi

Aunt Drusilla, Cousin Hollyan, and Aunt Harriet

Hollyan with her own gift, lottery tickets that got stolen from her later from Chris
Mari and Phoebe giving kisses

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Dec. 18th
Christmas w/ the Smith's
For years we've always gone to dinner with Tim and Kara and exchanged gifts, this year was no exception, other than the fact we've added kiddos to the festivities! We are blessed to have such great friends, we just need to get together more than 4x a year, lol! We went to eat at Texas Roadhouse and then back to the Smith's for presents! Brady got a really fun Truck and Landry got a Music Block that Brady used to love!
Brady opening and Landry just watchin

Landry got a hold of some wrapping paper

He finally gets into his truck, Thanks Tim and Kara!

Precious Ms Landry

Kara and Landry opening her present

Tim have Brady a Popsicle
Dec. 18th
Brady's Christmas Party
Brady had a Christmas Party at school today, I signed up late to bring something, so we just brought some boring chips! All the kids were supposed to bring a wrapped book for their gift exchange and then all the books are going to stay in their classroom for them to share all year! I love that I am able to attend all his parties, even though I have to work, it makes me feel like a good mom!

Brady eating chips

Brady and his best bud Christan

All the kiddos

Waiting to open presents

Ms Logan asked for all the kids to put their eyes on her, and this is what Brady did

And this is his bubble, she asked for, what a good boy!

Opening his book

Some of the kids opening

Still opening

His book

Reading another kids' book, The Jungle Book
Dec. 17th
Brae's Ballet Recital
The daycare has a program called Stretch and Grow, where the promote different exercise type of programs, like Brady's sports camp, well Braeleigh did Ballet this year and they had their first recital this evening! She did great and looked so cute!

Brae before the recital

Brae and her mommy

Brady and Braeleigh

Cousin Abby and Braeleigh

Brae dancing