Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 26th
28 wks
Today I am 28wks, only 84 days to go! We went today for a sonogram and glucose testing, however the glucose testing I get to do again on Thursday b/c they waited to long to take my blood, ugh! As far as the rest of the appointment, it went great! Charley looks good, weigh 2lbs now, my weight on the other hand, YIKES and her heartbeat was 153bpm! She was really hard to see, but they got one good profile pic of her. Its been awhile since I took a belly shot, so there's an updated pic of my growing belly and of course the Big Brother!

Sweet little face
My growing belly and my goof ball
I know this may weird some out, but I love a bare pregnant belly!
April 25th
T-Ball Practice W/ Daddy
Today after church and a nice nap, we headed outside for some baseball. Brady has only had 1 practice and missed 2 games b/c he was sick for 1 game and Ryan was out of town and I had something going on the other game. So, I thought we could use some practice with Daddy before Brady's first game on the 29th. We don't have a T, so we just used a vaccuum attachment, it worked better when Brady was smaller, but it will do for now!


Just look at that smile

Doing it by himself

More help from daddy
April 24th
Cooking with Braeleigh
Both Billy and Ryan were out of town today, so we asked Braeleigh and Steph to come over for a play date. I thought it would be fun for the kids to help cook dinner, so we had pigs in the blanket and they both loved getting to wrap the wienies. Notice Brady "crown," it's actual the inside of a hard hat of his but for some reason, his always taken it out and worn it like this, I love that he is so goofy,lol!
April 2oth
Tomorrow is my birthday, but Ryan and I decided to celebrate tonight, b/c we both have bible study tomorrow evening and we missed last week b/c of the Mavs game! Ryan took Brady and I to Bob's Steak and Chop in Grapevine for dinner, I was a bit nervous about taking Brady. The very first time we took him, he was about 18 months and when the waiter asked us what we wanted to drink, Brady said, "I want tea please!" Guess he's heard us say that a time or two! He was super good and this time, the waiter asked us if we were good, so Ryan and I both anwsered we're good, and then Brady shouts, "I'm good!"
When we got home, Ryan gave me my present, it was a digital frame, and he insisted that I opened the box and inside there was a photo college he had made with pics of Charley's 3D pic, and a few of Brady and us and in the middle it read, "Hilary, because you're so good at keeping this family together and happy, I hope you won't mind staying home and doing it full time!" Now before you get too too excited, for now were just going to try to do part time and see how that works, don't know all the details yet of how its all going to happen but this is an answered prayer for sure! I can't even imagaine how blessed me and my kids are going to be that I get to stay home with them a few days a week! Ryan and I are going to continue to seek God and put our trust in Him for this to work out!
After opening my present Brady brought us out some birthday hats, I had to get a pic! Not as fast as I use to be, so the last one just my head made it in the picture!

Aren't we cute?

April 19th
27 wks-3D Sonogram
We got our first 3D sonogram done today, we decided not to do it with Brady b/c its a little expensive, but my friend Tarenthia told me about El Centro College Sonography Program, this is where students go who are studying to be a sonographer, and they always need people to come in so their students can get practice. The greatest part about it was it only cost us $30! Unfortunately, Ryan was unable to go, but I was able to take my mom and mom mother-in-law. The people were fantastic, you would have never known they were students. First, we started with a regular 2D sonogram, and found out Charley was 1lb and 14oz, so just shy of 2lbs and that she looked great! Then we headed over to the 3D machine, my sonographer Heidi wasn't doubting her ability on the 3D machine, so they called in backup, so the "Queen of 3D" Devon came in, she was fabulous! They spent probably 30-45 min trying to get a good pic, my umbilical cord was right in front of Charley's face, so in some of the pics she kinda looks like an alien, but we ended walking away with some great pics, at least 10 3D pics and like 5 2D! It was a really neat experience and just reminds you what a miracle this really is! I know I say it all the time, but GOD IS GOOD!
Her sweet face, her nose looks like Brady and I think she has my lips too
Her arms crossed in front of her face
Her legs crossed and her little hands

Her foot

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 15th
Brady & Charley's Rooms
My goal was to have the rooms ready by April 16th, and we finished just in the neck of time. Charley's room didn't need much just a few girly touches, Ryan's aunt Missy, who's fabulous made me the cross, the heart canvas, and the picture blocks, and then I made a C to go above her bed, found the curtains from our old house, and added some rope and bandanna tissue paper. Brady's room, however was a complete makeover. We added fake grass to the wall, a huge B, some lockers to store toys and clothes, and new bedding, and bunk beds!

Closeup of cross


April 11th
Let's go fly a Kite
Brady got a couple of kites for his birthday, and today was a perfect day and we have a perfect greenbelt to fly it on!

Brady and Ryan

Trying to catch the kite

Running after the kite

The boys trying to get the kite flying

Sunday, April 25, 2010

March 10
School Carnival
My school is known for putting on a good carnival, and this year was no exception, this year was even more special b/c it was the 50th anniversary of our school. My co-worker Jana and I were in charge on skating inside, and luckily I have some good friends, Hillary and Olivia, that were able to cart Brady around so that he could play while I worked. The boys had so much fun, they would have ridden the train all day long if we would have let them!
Hillary, Brady, and Aaron

the boys

the boys again

Hillary and the boys

Brady in the bounce house

Aaron in the bounce house

Jana after pie in the eye

Olivia and the boys

the train

Me, Brady, and Aaron

Jana in jail

Skating inside the small

Brady hanging out on the mats

Brady playing on the mats