Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July 14th
Soaking Up Brady
I'm very thankful that I had a day that I knew I could spend entirely with Brady, even though we've had all summer, today I knew it would be my last day as just Brady's mom! Its a bitter sweet feeling, I'm super excited to welcom Charley into the world tomorrow, but I'm also very sad that Brady will not be able to have all of my attention, that's all we've and he's known for 3 yrs! I wanted to make today extra special, so we woke up and went to the donut store and then ended to Kid 2 Kid to try to find Charley something for the wedding we will be taking her to the week after she' here, and Brady without any prompting found this outfit and said Charley would love it, and I totally agree, he said it would be his big brother gift for her. After Kid 2 Kid we headed to Irving to visit our friends Susan and Jon who had twin girls about a month ago, so Brady got to play with their big brother Liam and get an idea of what Charley will be like! After visiting we headed to the nail salon for one more special foot treatment, this was the first time I've ever taken Brady and probably the last, he was good but wanted to participate. Then we had McDonalds and headed to the water park. Then it was nap time, we played for awhile and then met daddy for our last meal as 3! After a quick shower, I put Brady to bed for the last time, I love that boy so much, its hard to imagine being able to love another one, but I know God just makes room! I soaked up every minute I could of my lil man today and I thank the Lord that I had today with him and hope Brady will know someday how much we love him and have cherished him for the last 3yrs and will continue for many many more years! I LOVE YOU BRADY BOOZER!
Decorating her bag

Brady's Big Brother gift for Charley


Brady sliding and some radom girl, lol


Being silly at the water park

Another take of us at the nail salon

At the nail salon

Breakfast, no hand

Breakfast, he loves to put his hands op for some reason when I take pics now!
July 13th
Layton's Bday
Today was Layton bday and we were invited to Bedford Splash, it was Bradys first time to go and our first time out of the house in wks, I've been a hermit crab! The boys had a blast and I was just able to chill in the water with Jenn and relax!

Layton, Brady, and Cooper
The boys again

Brady sliding

Brady sliding

Brady chillin
July 12th
Had my 39 wk check up today, still a 2, and Charley seems to be really settled, however we decided that it was time, so unless she comes on her own, we will be getting induced on Thursday.

Friday, July 09, 2010

July 8th
Toddler Time/First time to Library
I don't know why I've waited this long to take Brady to the library, but today after needing to get out of the house desparately and trying to entertain Brady at the same time I started searching and realized the Thursdays at 10:30 at the Hurst Library its Toddler Time. We went and had a great time and will make it a tradition for sure! Today we talked about the letter M, so all the books and songs we sang had the letter M in them. They read Monster Party, Animal Music, Mouse by Mouse, and Goodnight Moon, and we sang 5 little monkeys, we marched to a song, and sand 5 blind mice. And when it was over the do a bubble song and blows bubbles! After we finished toddler time, we went to find some books. Brady and I both got a library card and Brady checked out 3 books, Harry and the Terrible Wathzit, Bears on Wheels, and Thomas the Train ABC. After heading to Target for a quick grocery trip we headed to Pizza Garden, one of our fav eating places. I'm cherishing every min of Brady time these days realizing I won't just have him all to myself much longer!
Listening to story time

Sitting down for reading time

Just got done marching

Catching bubbles

My cutie pie
His first library books

Monday, July 05, 2010

July 1-5
Almost but Not Quite
Thursday 1st I woke up not feeling so well, and by 10am I started having contractions, so I decided before heading to a lunch they were having for Ryan at his work that I would just tidy the house and throw last minute things in the car just in case, however my bag and car have been packed for weeks. While getting Brady dressed I had to stop b/c of a contraction and he asked me what was wrong. I told him Charley might be coming, and he said."Mommy she's still in your tummy, she's not coming and its not July yet," and I said but Brady it is July, its July 1st, and he started jumping up and down saying, " Oh boy, oh boy, my baby sister is coming!" So stinkin cute!
After having lunch with Ryan, I decided to head to my folks house to put Brady down for a nap, contractions still going, anywhere from 10, 15, to 20 minutes apart. By about 6, my contractions were about 10 minutes apart and I called Ryan and told him he should probably head home and get his bag packed that and we would stay in Irving.
By 10, 12hrs later, my contractions were getting closer together, by 12:20 (2nd), I had been having contractions 5 min apart for an hr, so I woke up Ryan and we headed to the hospital. We got checked in and they checked me, I was just 2 cm dilated, the nurse said she'd check me in a hour and if I hadn't changed they'd send me home, it was almost like Charley knew what was about to happen and the contractions slowed down, 2:04 came and I was still a 2, so we headed home. Needless to say I was extremely frustrated and disappointed. I didn't sleep well the rest of the night really morning.
Friday (2nd) I contiued to have contractions, radom contractions, but contractions. My mom and I went to the mall to walk and even tried spicy Hooter wings but no change, by 10pm, 48hrs later, they had stopped!
Sat (3rd), I was feeling a little depressed, my sweet sister Mandi came to kidnap me and went shopping and to lunch, a few contractions through out the day, but nothing really.
Sunday, Fourth of July 4th, still feeling blah, we headed over to Ryan's folks house for brunch, I'm sure they probably hate me, b/c I wasn't very pleasant to be around, but no contractions really, asked Ryan if we could have Mexican food for dinner, trying the spicy food thing out again, even bounced on a exercise ball, but nothing.
Monday 5th, (38wks) Ryan and I both laughed at the nurse we she said to go ahead and keep my appt with the doc, thinking we would never make it to Tues, but I guess we were wrong. Ryan took me to Grapevine Mills to walk some more but still no Charley and boy is my mind playing tricks on me, lol!
I know she'll be here when she's supposed to and I still techinally have 14 days still my due date, but I'm just dumb founded to how labor can start and then just stop. I'm trusting God's plan and timing and trying to be patient and stay busy. I go to the doctor tomorrow and maybe will find out some more! I'll keep you posted!
June 30th
Back to Cool Cuts 3rd Haircut
I decided that Brady needed another haircut, and last time I attempted to do it myself and I wasn't too pleased, so I decided to head back to where we went for his very first haircut, Cool Cuts! Ryan and most people couldn't even tell he got one, but I could, they also convinced me into buying some mousse to help clam the curls! He looks so handsome, I sure hope Charley has curls too!

This was after, but not fixed



Thursday, July 01, 2010

June 28th
37 wks/Belly Cast
Today I'm officially counting days, less than a month away, and boy am I ready! At this point with Brady he decided to come already, so I never got to the I'm miserable stage, but I'm there now and discovering what everyone talks about! Last week's appt. I was a cm dilated, this weeks appt, still 1 cm dilated, ugh!
Mandi came over after work to do my belly cast once again! Ryan thinks its strange and others might too, but being pregnant to me is just a blessing and a miracle that I thinks its super neat to be able to capture the memory forever! My intentions last time were to have Ryan help me, but if you recall, Ryan went to the hospital on Sat for food poisoning, and we had Brady on Mon, so I was forced to put my modesty aside and have my sister do it! So, since she did just a great job and I never know when Ryan's going to be home, I decided to let her do it again! Jenn is going to paint it for me to match the room and Brady's, so I can't wait to see the final product!
Finished product

Almost done

Mandi being silly

Mandi has become a pro

Trying to help, but making more of a mess, lol

Big Brother Brady helping

Patting me down with water

37 wks