Saturday, February 13, 2010

Feb. 13th
Snow Play Day with Daddy
Today was Ryan's first day to be home and enjoy the snow with Brady. We had spent the night with my parents b/c our power was still out, so we woke up and built a snowman their first and then came home and Ryan wanted to built another one, but Brady had enough, so Ryan built one himself!
Sweet boy

Building has begun

Being silly

Started to look like a snowman

Here comes the head

Carrot nose
Adding his strawberry eyes

Brady and hise snowman

Ryan, Brady, and their work of art

Snowman Ryan built at

Feb. 12th
Another Snowy Day/Dru's Bday Party/3wks no accidents

Last night about 9:30 the power went out, so we woke up this morning a little cold. After experiencing some nerve pain in my back I thought it might be nice for Ryan to take me to hangout somewhere warm. So we hurried up got dressed and manually tried to open the garage when the storm hit, and I don't mean snow storm! In the process of trying to close the garage back, it got off track and broke somehow, and after spending 30 min or more on it, Ryan had lost all patience and left us home with a broken opened and broken garage in a very cold house. I called a repair man asap, b/c I knew Brady and I could stand the cold! About 10:00, after trying to stay warm in bed reading books, Brady's lips turned purple, I thought we should maybe sit in the car and get warm! Not long after playing and singing in the car the repair guy came and fixed us all up and we were able to go to Nani and Booga's house to get warm!

At five Mimi and Popi met us at our house, still with no power, and had a small snowball fight before heading to Aunt Drusilla's Bday party, check out the video!

Today marked 3wks with no potty accidents, and he's gotten pretty good and doing things himself!

Trying to show you how deep

The front of the house

Side view of house and drive way

House view

The Road and greenbelt
Warming Up in the Car
A Stage just for me

Performing for mommy

Watching the Repair

Dru's Party

Lighting Candles
Singing Happy Birthday

Blowing out candles

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Feb. 11th
Well Texas, had not 1 but two snow days so far this winter and I had to go to work, ugh! I was so sad all day wishing I could be at home with Brady playing in the snow, luckily his Nani took him outside and got a couple of pics of him while at school and then when I got home we got to play some too! He's kin to his mommy too, he has enough of the cold in about 10 minutes, which was all I could take too!


Brady's playground

A view of the backyard

A view from our driveway

What a doll

My Snow Bunny

A view from the door of the school

Another view from the gym at my school

Brae and Brady at school

Cheesin in the snow at school

Feb. 10th
Brady's first Choir Performance
Today Brady had his first choir performance, his choir did a special Valentine concert for the pastor's class. He didn't really sing, but he did some of the hand motions. I was so proud of him, he just waved at me when he saw me and even posed for me when he left. I haven't quite figured out my settings on my new camera, so the pics aren't good!

Feb. 7th
4th Annual Superbowl Bash
We had yet another superbowl party, wasn't a big turn out but we sure had fun and tons of food! Saints beat the Colts 31-17.
Wrong sport but their sure cute

Brady and Aaron

Brady and Aaron again

Clint and 3 of his 4 girls
Feb. 6th
Landry turns 1/Mick and Luke's Party
Tim and Kara's little one turned one yesterday and today we celebrated with them! They had a flower themed party and Kara did a great job of decorating, including making some flower forks! Brady had a great time eatting his hot dog and trying out Landry's new swing set which he actually busted hard on, he did a complete flip off the swing and almost landed right on top of his head, scary!
Later we headed to Missy's house and celebrated Mick and Luke's bday, the kids had fun together and I discovered hot cheetos and ice cream, I'm not pregnant at all, lol!

Brady with his crazy cheese face

Hot dog time

Cake Time

The shirt we got her

Opening presents

One of the gifts Landry got, its a family tradition

The Flower cut out I made

Flower Girl

Flower Boy

Trying Landry's new swing

Trying out Landry's new slide

The Rhinestone Cowboy

Luke and Mick