Thursday, February 11, 2010

Feb. 6th
Landry turns 1/Mick and Luke's Party
Tim and Kara's little one turned one yesterday and today we celebrated with them! They had a flower themed party and Kara did a great job of decorating, including making some flower forks! Brady had a great time eatting his hot dog and trying out Landry's new swing set which he actually busted hard on, he did a complete flip off the swing and almost landed right on top of his head, scary!
Later we headed to Missy's house and celebrated Mick and Luke's bday, the kids had fun together and I discovered hot cheetos and ice cream, I'm not pregnant at all, lol!

Brady with his crazy cheese face

Hot dog time

Cake Time

The shirt we got her

Opening presents

One of the gifts Landry got, its a family tradition

The Flower cut out I made

Flower Girl

Flower Boy

Trying Landry's new swing

Trying out Landry's new slide

The Rhinestone Cowboy

Luke and Mick

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