July 19, 2007...
Brady Rolls Over
Brady Rolls Over
Brady was never a fan of being on his tummy so I hadn't put him on his tummy in days but worried that he would never build up the muscles to roll over and crawl I decided I needed to continue tummy time just for a little bit each day! The minute I put him down on this Thursday morning he rolled over immediately, I didn't think anything of it, I just assumed I propped him to do it, so I put him back on his tummy and he did it again, so I quickly grabbed the video camera (after of course I started screaming and made a huge fuse about it, almost scaring Brady) and not two seconds later he did it again. I called Ryan and family right away , I honestly don't know that anyone believed but I had video for proof and then he did it for Ryan when he got home that night.
These pictures were actually taken on Sat. the 21st @ the lake which was the next time for him to do it, this time though he went to the other way. I haven't actually caught him on his side yet (b/c his gotten so quick now) to get the full step by step still picture shot but were working on it!
Yeah, Brady!!! What a big boy! I remember Jake rolled over from his tummy to back at 6 weeks...but rolling from his back to his tummy didn't come for QUITE a while! In fact, I think it was way late. :) But it's just so precious how they do things in their own sweet time. He is getting so big...I can't believe it! I wish we lived closer where we could have play dates, etc. and just hang out. I miss you tons. Have a great week!
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