Wednesday, June 02, 2010

May 22nd
Avery turns 3/Skrek
Today we got to go to Avery's bday party at the Zoo, if was super fun! Hillary and Aaron hitched a ride with us, the boys were a little freaked out b/c T had some friends dressed up like animals, but after they took their costumes off they were ok. We hung out in a room and got to eat pizza and cake and they brought a couple of small animals in for us to look at. Afterwards we headed into the Zoo, we didn't stay long, poor Aaron missed his nap, but deep down I was glad, b/c being pregnant in the heat is NOT fun!
That evening we went to the Movie Tavern to take Brady to see Skrek in 3D, I'm cherishing our moments, just the 2 of us or 3 of us more and more these days, b/c soon it won't just be the 3 of us!

Not getting too far from daddy

Brady and Avery checking themselves out

Giving hugs

Getting his hand painted, wasn't interested in his face

His superman

Birthday girl

T and Avery watching the animals

Aaron and Brady watching the animals

Baby Owl


Bradley, T, and Avery

closeup of the penguin
Checking out the animals

Singing Happy Birthday


Brady and Daddy

Getting a closer look

Aaron and Hillary

Look, Brady

Brady, Daddy, Aaron, and Hillary

Our sweet boys holding hands

Crazy Cheese Face


Look Daddy

Brady and Me
My sweet family


At the Movies
Brady at the movies with his 3D glasses on, his forehand is red b/c he got scared and put his superman arm on his head, oops!