Monday, July 05, 2010

July 1-5
Almost but Not Quite
Thursday 1st I woke up not feeling so well, and by 10am I started having contractions, so I decided before heading to a lunch they were having for Ryan at his work that I would just tidy the house and throw last minute things in the car just in case, however my bag and car have been packed for weeks. While getting Brady dressed I had to stop b/c of a contraction and he asked me what was wrong. I told him Charley might be coming, and he said."Mommy she's still in your tummy, she's not coming and its not July yet," and I said but Brady it is July, its July 1st, and he started jumping up and down saying, " Oh boy, oh boy, my baby sister is coming!" So stinkin cute!
After having lunch with Ryan, I decided to head to my folks house to put Brady down for a nap, contractions still going, anywhere from 10, 15, to 20 minutes apart. By about 6, my contractions were about 10 minutes apart and I called Ryan and told him he should probably head home and get his bag packed that and we would stay in Irving.
By 10, 12hrs later, my contractions were getting closer together, by 12:20 (2nd), I had been having contractions 5 min apart for an hr, so I woke up Ryan and we headed to the hospital. We got checked in and they checked me, I was just 2 cm dilated, the nurse said she'd check me in a hour and if I hadn't changed they'd send me home, it was almost like Charley knew what was about to happen and the contractions slowed down, 2:04 came and I was still a 2, so we headed home. Needless to say I was extremely frustrated and disappointed. I didn't sleep well the rest of the night really morning.
Friday (2nd) I contiued to have contractions, radom contractions, but contractions. My mom and I went to the mall to walk and even tried spicy Hooter wings but no change, by 10pm, 48hrs later, they had stopped!
Sat (3rd), I was feeling a little depressed, my sweet sister Mandi came to kidnap me and went shopping and to lunch, a few contractions through out the day, but nothing really.
Sunday, Fourth of July 4th, still feeling blah, we headed over to Ryan's folks house for brunch, I'm sure they probably hate me, b/c I wasn't very pleasant to be around, but no contractions really, asked Ryan if we could have Mexican food for dinner, trying the spicy food thing out again, even bounced on a exercise ball, but nothing.
Monday 5th, (38wks) Ryan and I both laughed at the nurse we she said to go ahead and keep my appt with the doc, thinking we would never make it to Tues, but I guess we were wrong. Ryan took me to Grapevine Mills to walk some more but still no Charley and boy is my mind playing tricks on me, lol!
I know she'll be here when she's supposed to and I still techinally have 14 days still my due date, but I'm just dumb founded to how labor can start and then just stop. I'm trusting God's plan and timing and trying to be patient and stay busy. I go to the doctor tomorrow and maybe will find out some more! I'll keep you posted!