While Mom and Dad are Away, Brady will Play...
Brady spent Friday day and night with my parents aka Mimi and Popi and then Sat. through Sunday with Ryan's parents aka Nana and Grandpa. He didn't seem to miss us at all, he just played, played, played. Nana and Grandpa took him to the ballon festival (i think there's pics, just waiting on them) they said he had a great time! After not seeing him for two days he just seemed so big! You'll see in this first picture he has a pizza teething toy, we'll my mom called me last night and told me Brady had his first piece of pizza and I thought I was going to die, of course she was talking about this new toy she bought him. The last of pictures of him biting Mimi, she didn't believe until these were taking that he likes to bite, she told me he didn't know what he was doing but now she knows!
Brady eating his first piece of pizza and making a goofy face
Playin' in his saucer
Playing some more
Biting Mimi
Biting Mimi again
His Cousin Kendra helped him with his sitting